Unclean Restaurants Named and Shamed
10% of NSW restaurants have been fined for breaches in food safety over the last five years.
The Food Authority’s new name and shame list shows that over 1,000 of these restaurants were fined for having cockroach infestations, mice and rats and droppings in their kitchens. Dirty equipment, unclean cooking areas and a lack of easy access to washing basins were also common offences.
Dominos Pizza was revealed as the worst offender in fast food, with 50 infringement notices, followed by KFC on 40.
Hong Hai Noodle Bar in Sydney was named as the worst repeat offender, with 21 fines issued over the last 5 years, including five fines in 2012.
In regional areas, Gosford and the Blue Mountains were two of the worst offenders.
Inspectors have collected $4.7 million in fines, with $1.16 million collected just last year. In one case, a fish market was found storing live crabs in a toilet cubicle.
Source: http://www.goodfood.com.au/good-food/food-news/rats-bugs-and-kitchen-filth-are-fodder-for-naming-and-shaming-restaurants-20130406-2hdnf.html

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